Balloon man_DSC7606.jpg

In assembling these recent photographs of Patzcuaro in the state of Michoacan, Mexico, I wished to focus on two themes. The first is of a particular street I fell in love with while exploring the town in the early morning; the second, a few black and white portraits.


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Below are some of the people I came across, young and old, in the town and in the countryside:

Little girl.jpg
Leaning woman cropped framed DSC7443 copy.jpg
Lady with head bandDSC7446.jpg
Lady island black frame _DSC7721.jpg

Masked boys playing devil during the Pastorales, a festival right after Xmas signifying the battle between good and evil:

2 devils Coffee_DSC7497.jpg

Two outstanding craftsmen near the Patzcuaro lake, known for its many artisanal traditions.  

Sculptor using reeds from the lake

Sculptor using reeds from the lake

Sculptor using reeds from the lake

Sculptor using reeds from the lake

Wood worker

Wood worker