While living in Mexico last spring and downloading photos on my laptop at the end of the day, I began to notice a thread running through the images.  Many photographs were involving twins: people or dolls,  a pair of cowboy boots, two styrofoam cups, or parallel doors I photo-shopped from a single one. The list goes on. Anything that made for a pair be it from everyday objects, architecture and, of course, people was in my scope of vision. 

Perhaps this all began with a most zany photograph from a couple of years ago. While strolling in the zocalo or plaza of Actopan, a jewel of small town in the state of Hidalgo, I came across a pair of cream-colored, leather cowboy boots. And they weren't adorning someone's feet. Rather, they seemed quite content sitting — or was it standing? on a green metal bench. Had someone inadvertently left these fairly new and well-polished boots behind?  (And no, I didn't rearrange them to make for a better composition.) I shot them point blank; not a gentleman in sight.

Looking back, I can't help but be struck by how things percolate in our creative consciousness. And perhaps it was simply this photo opportunity that led me to "seeing double".